Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Bella’s POV

“We’re here, kiddo,” Charlie said as we passed the Forks welcome sign, Vampire population: 3,120.

I wondered what they would put on their sign now, Vampire population: 3,120, bloodbag: 1? I could feel my palms get clammy while my stomach did somersaults. I had to swallow down the bile that began to rise in my throat. Breathe, Bella! I wrapped my arms around my waist and inhaled deeply. Calm down! I exhaled sharply, blowing out a large breath of air as my stomach churned uncomfortably. I stared out of the window as the million butterflies inside of me fluttered wildly.

At first glance, the town seemed like any average human town with schools, bowling alleys, stores… except for only little detail; vampires inhabited it. We passed by a “grocery store” that displayed ‘A- positive blood sale- buy one bag, get the other 50% off’ on the sign. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I quickly glanced down, trying to compose myself. As soon as I looked out of the window again, I regretted it. There was an “ice cream” shop called ‘Blood Ice’ where a group of rambunctious teens was gathered around, their fangs digging aggressively into the frozen blood, sucking and licking it up as the blood leaked from the corners of theirs mouths. I held myself tighter and bent forward while I dry heaved. I was grateful that my stomach was empty, if not, I would have vomited all over Charlie’s Cadillac Escalade.


“I’m fine. Just a little nauseous,” I answered, staring down at my lap, trying to rid myself of the images of those long fangs digging fiercely into the bloody ice. I glanced up at Charlie’s voice.

“We’ll be home in just a few minutes,” Charlie informed, locking his crimson eyes with mine in the rearview mirror. “And you need to eat, Bella. You haven’t eaten anything all day,” he added, his voice firm with authority.

I nodded. But I wasn’t sure if I could eat anything ever again after seeing what I just had. Blood normally didn’t gross me out but when I would see the combination of fangs and bloody mouths, I felt sick. I continued to stare at my lap, afraid to look out of the window again.


“Bella!” Renee ran out of the house as I stepped out of the Escalade that was parked next to Charlie’s police cruiser. Chief Charlie Swan was a well-respected officer of this town, a vampire who enforced the law. And any law-breaking vampire, just like any human who committed a crime, would end up in jail. Of course, vampires had their own incarceration facilities. How they kept them locked up with possessing such strength and power was still unknown to me.

“Hi,” I responded shyly, grabbing my backpack from the back seat as Charlie lifted the three overstuffed suitcases from the trunk as if they weighed nothing.

Renee hesitated, deciding if she should embrace me. I watched her crimson orbs sparkle, asking for my permission silently. I nodded. She stepped up to me, hugging me gently to her.

“Oh Bella, I’m so sorry,” Renee apologized, leaning away from me slightly so she could glance down at me. I felt so small as I looked up at her.

Vampires were very tall. As if they needed another advantage over humans. Females were around 6’ in height while the males stood about 6’ 8”. So when I would start school on Monday, if I was lucky enough not to get taunted about being human, there was always that looming possibility that I would be teased about being the shortest person in town. It was times like these that I wished that I was tall and statuesque and not a measly 5’4”. I wanted to be able to stand up to them, to stand my ground as I looked them straight into their faces; eye-level. I wanted to exert confidence even though I didn’t feel I had any left. Great! I so can’t wait for the weekend to be over with already so I can get an early start in being humiliated at school, I thought sarcastically.

Renee took my hand in hers and led us into the house, Charlie following close behind. As soon as I stepped inside their home, I was surprised it didn’t smell of blood like I had expected. Instead, I could smell…mushroom ravioli? Had Renee really cooked my favorite dish?

“Follow Charlie, he’ll show you to your room.” Renee smiled down at me, her expression soft. “I’m going to finish fixing your dinner. You must be starved.” She let go of my hand as she walked into the kitchen.

“This way, kiddo,” Charlie said, holding the suitcases with ease as we made our way up the staircase.

He set my luggage by the closet as my eyes scanned the room. It was nice… cozy and comfortable. I could feel his crimson orbs watch me as I took in my surroundings.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll…ah…just let you get to it then,” he smiled, revealing the sharp points of his fangs. When I didn’t say anything in return, he started towards the door.

“Charlie?” I said quickly. He stopped, glancing over his shoulder. I hesitated, taking a deep breath. “Thank you,” I finally managed to say.

He nodded once before he exited the room…my room now. I sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my backpack, unzipping it. I pulled out a little music box that my mother had given to me a few days before she had died. I wound it up, watching the girl in the white dress spin around in a meadow filled with beautiful flowers. My mother had bought it because the porcelain girl had reminded her so much of me; deep brown eyes and pale skin with long mahogany hair. I remember her somber expression as she handed it to me that day. I asked why she was sad. She told me that she would have loved for me to have grown up in a vampire-free world, free to do anything I’d pleased…free to run in a meadow filled with flowers, and not to be in a constant state of fear of a vampire attack. She said that I deserved a better life. I remember hugging her, telling her that I would be alright as long as I had her by my side. And a few days later, she had died. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand as I wound up the music box again, lying back against the headboard while I shut my eyes and let the lullaby wash over me.


I speared the ravioli with my fork before popping it into my mouth. I chewed slowly as I gazed at my adoptive parents, who wear swishing around the blood in their silver goblets. I quickly turned my head before they took a sip, avoiding the chance of seeing blood-smeared lips.

“How does it taste?” Renee asked, setting down her goblet on the cherry oak dining table.

“It’s really good,” I responded, moving the ravioli around in my plate to soak up the remaining sauce. I glanced at her, only to discover that the expression etched onto her face was shock. Had I said something wrong?

“Wow. I’m glad,” she breathed relieved. “It took me all day to make that. I was about to give up until I found that human channel...” she stopped, trying to remember the name.  “What was it called?” she asked herself. “Oh yes, the ‘Food Network’ channel.” Her smile was radiant, revealing the tips of her fangs.

I returned her smile. “You know, you don’t have to cook for me. I know how to cook. It must be awkward for you…” I gestured towards the kitchen, “…for you to use the kitchen.”

Charlie and Renee laughed. “Oh, we do have uses for the kitchen, Bella. Just because we are vampires doesn’t mean that the kitchen is an unused part of the house.” She picked up her goblet and took another sip. Again, I quickly shifted my eyes elsewhere.

I peeked at her from the corner of my eye, making sure she didn’t have blood dribbling down her mouth. Jeez Bella, you need to get a grip! You live with vampires now, get used to the blood, my internal voice screamed at me.

“Oh really?” I asked intrigued as I speared the last ravioli before popping it into my mouth. I grabbed my glass filled with coke and took a swig before setting it down with an audible ‘clank’. Shit! I was starved.

“It’s not like preparing human food, of course,” Renee began. “It’s a lot simpler compared to human food preparation.”

“I don’t understand. What can you do with…” I hesitated, shifting uncomfortably in my seat, “…with blood?” I gulped, tracing the wood patterns in the table with my fingertip.

“Well for one, we like to drink it warm…” she paused, glancing at Charlie, unsure if she should continue with the conversation. “We like drink the blood at a certain temperature…preferably 98.6 degrees.”

My head snapped up. Did she just say 98.6 degrees? “Go on,” I coaxed as I saw her hesitate again. “I’m fine. Really,” I lied. Better get used to this now, Bella.

“So it’s quite simple, we use the stove or the microwave to warm up the blood. But there’s other tasty ways we enjoy blood too- Bella we don’t have to do this,” Renee stopped as she took in my disgusted expression, grabbing my hand to comfort me. I jerked it back violently, knocking over the glass in the process.

The glass shattered as it hit the floor. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I jumped up from my seat to clean up the mess I’ve made. I ineptly grabbed a shard of glass, cutting myself. “Ouch!” Shit!

I heard two deep guttural growls rumble behind me. My heart beat frantically in my chest as my head snapped up. I found myself staring up at two very tall and very intimidating vampires with piercing black orbs as their fangs lengthened right in front my eyes. I stood swiftly, almost losing my balance as I cradled my bleeding hand against my abdomen. I stumbled backwards until my back hit the wall.

“Bella,” Charlie spoke softly, holding his palms forward as if he were a criminal approaching a law enforcement officer.

“Stay away from me!” I cried, glaring at them. Their eyes were churning…with hunger. I noticed a clear light green liquid leak from the corners of their mouths. Was that their venom? I shuddered fiercely.

“Bella, we’re not going to hurt you,” Renee responded, stepping closer to me.

I tried to take another step back, realizing I was already smashed up against the wall.  “That’s not what your eyes are telling me right now. And your fangs…” I gulped, “…they’re huge...long!”

“Bella,” Charlie sighed.

“And what about those growls? You can’t tell me that you don’t want to sink your fangs into me and drain me dry!” I croaked. I felt the blood seep into my cotton shirt, staining it crimson.

“Bella, please…” Renee pleaded, her expression somber.

“We are under control, Bella. What you are seeing is completely normal. Our fangs lengthen as they secrete venom, our eyes change color and growls do rumble in our chests but it’s just a psychological reaction we have when we smell fresh blood. It’s natural,” Charlie explained, taking another step in my direction, causing me to flinch.

“It doesn’t mean we aren’t under control. We won’t hurt you. Please believe us, we speak the truth,” Renee added.

I stared at them for countless minutes. If they really wanted my blood, they would have taken it already.  Come on, Bella! They’re not here to hurt you, my inner voice chastised me. I exhaled sharply; unaware I was holding my breath. I nodded faintly, giving them permission to approach me.

Charlie got there first while Renee stood back, letting her husband look at my hand. “I can see the muscle.” Charlie examined the deep cut, holding my hand in his gently as his keen eyes took in the damage.  I groaned as my hand continued to bleed, dripping onto Charlie’s hand in the process. “Okay, Bella, there are two options,” Charlie led me back to the dining room table. I sat down, holding out my hand in front of me as Renee handed me a cloth to apply pressure.

“Which are?” I asked softly, staring at their long fangs that pressed into their bottom lips. It looked painful in my opinion, those sharps points pressing into their flesh.

Renee took a seat next to me while Charlie crouched on his haunches in front of me. “We can take you to the hospital to get stitches or…” he hesitated, glancing at Renee. She nodded for him to continue. “…or I can seal it with my venom,” he concluded rapidly.  My eyes widened significantly. “It doesn’t have to be me, Renee can do it too if it makes you feel more comfortable,” he added brusquely as he took in my panicked expression.

I sat there, wide-eyed, clutching my hand. I winced when I thought of the stitches. “How do you seal it with your venom?” I asked carefully. He reached out towards my hand. I felt his fingers press firmly against it, trying to cease the bleeding.

Charlie blew out a large breath of air. “I run my tongue over your cut a few times, letting the venom seal it,” he informed as I continued to stare into his black eyes.

“NO!” I yelled, standing up, snatching my hand away from him. I moved away from them. I couldn’t fathom the image of their mouths or tongues coming in contact with my skin…my blood. Their mouths would be covered in my blood. I felt like I was about to pass out. I slid myself down the wall, my back firmly pressed against it as I placed my head between my knees. It took me a few minutes to calm down.

“I’ll take the stitches,” I responded, my voice muffled.


I stood slowly on my wobbly legs, feeling lightheaded from the blood loss. I pressed the blood-stained cloth firmly against my gushing wound.

I felt Renee’s arm wrap around my shoulder, supporting my weight as she led me out to the car. “Don’t worry, honey, Dr. Cullen is an excellent physician. He’ll stitch it up perfectly. I bet you won’t even notice a scar once it’s all healed up,” she said in confidence.

Wait! What? Dr. Cullen?  As in the vampire doctor?

I stopped abruptly in my path, causing Renee and Charlie to look down at me in concern.  “You’re taking me to a vampire hospital?” I asked incredulously.

“Well yes, Bella. The nearest human hospital is over three hours away,” Renee said softly, ushering me towards the Escalade again. I groaned.

“It’ll be okay, kiddo. Promise,” Charlie opened the door as he helped me inside the SUV.


“Dr. Cullen,” Charlie greeted.

My eyes snapped up from my bleeding hand when Charlie’s voice broke me from my musings. I almost fell off the examination table as I took in the handsome figure in front of me. He looked more like a movie star than a doctor. His blond hair, pale skin and crimson eyes were stunning. He was gorgeous to say the least.

“Chief Swan,” he greeted back. “Mrs. Swan,” he smiled, revealing the sharp point of his fang.

“So this is Bella. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Dr. Cullen turned to face me. I gulped loudly. “I’m sure you would have rather met under better circumstances,” he joked, stepping up to me.

I was tongue-tied as I continued to stare at him. I just nodded. “Well then, shall we take a look?”

I slowly moved my hand in front of myself. He gently took my hand in his and carefully removed the self-made bandage that I made from the cloth. My eyes widened as I watched his fangs elongate and his eyes churn violently, turning black from the blood that was still leaking from my cut. I inhaled, trying to calm my nerves. Charlie saw my nervous expression, causing him to place a soothing hand on my shoulder as Renee told me it was going to be alright.

I watched the vampire doctor go to work on my hand diligently. Before I knew it was over, he cleaned, numbed and stitched up my cut. It was accurate to say, that if you blinked, you could have missed the whole process. I was amazed how fast and so gentle he was. I didn’t feel a single thing.

“Well, that about does it,” Dr. Cullen said, removing his latex gloves. “I’m going to call in a prescription for some light pain meds,” he said, turning to Charlie and Renee who nodded their heads in comprehension.

I looked between my adoptive parents and Dr. Cullen in confusion. Couldn’t he just give me the meds now? I was in a hospital, after all. “Vampires don’t need medication, Bella,” he clarified, smiling again at me. His fangs were already retracting as his eyes turned back to crimson. I glanced over my shoulder, observing Charlie and Renee’s features. Their eyes and fangs now too, had returned to their previous state.

“Thank you,” I managed to say.

“Take care of yourself, Bella,” Dr. Cullen lightly touched my chin with his thumb and forefinger.

“Thank you,” Charlie and Renee said in unison before Dr. Cullen left the examination room.

I hopped down from the examination table. “Let’s go.”

Charlie and Renee flanked my sides as we stepped out from the room. I quickly averted my eyes from the curious vampires in the waiting room who continued to stare at me like I had two heads.


“Bella,” I heard Renee whisper as the morning sunshine beamed on my face when she drew back my curtains. “It’s time for school, honey.”

“I’m so tired,” I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, sitting up slowly.

“It’s time to wake up, sweetie.” Renee’s hand smoothed my hair back from my face. I gulped loudly. Today was the day I was going to die. I was going to school, to an all-vampire high school known as Forks High.

Chapter End Notes:
~So Bella's first day at an all vamp school is next. And she'll meet some Cullens =) Oh and keep the music box in the back of your mind, you'll see in future chapters.

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