Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Bella’s POV


I stared at my lap, my fingers digging painfully into my thighs as I desperately tried to hold myself together. Breathe in, breathe out…breathe in, breathe out…bre-


“Jeezus, Bella!” Charlie growled as he touched my shoulder, startling me. I whipped my head to the side to look at him. His expression was beyond concerned as we came to a stop at the stop sign. “You know, you don’t have to do this today,” he said, pushing down on the accelerator again in his police cruiser. I shook my head vehemently. He sighed. “Maybe you need some time…get to know some vampires fir-”


“No, I want-” I squeaked, interrupting him. I cleared my throat. “I need to get this over with, Charlie.”


“All I meant is that if you had some more time to get comfortable by meeting some of the townsfolk, you wouldn’t be freaking out like you are now,” Charlie stated, turning the steering wheel.


“Who’s freaking out? I’m not freaking out! I’m fine. Seriously,” I lied hastily. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He wasn’t buying it.


Mmhmm. Oh I’m sure Bella, you seem totally under control. No problem here. What was I thinking?” he replied with heavy sarcasm lacing his voice. “You don’t need vampire senses to see that you are falling apart right in front of my eyes.”


“I’ll be fine. I’m just a little nervous.” I mustered up the best smile I could manage.


“A little?” he snorted, pulling into the school’s parking lot.


“Okay, a lot,” I admitted, grabbing my backpack. “But it’ll be fine-I’ll be fine,” I amended, opening the door.


“I sure hope so, Bella.”


We walked to the school’s administration office to retrieve my schedule. I was about twenty minutes late to my first period class because it took me over half an hour to eat one pop-tart. I sat at the kitchen table just picking at it, completely in a daze. I could barely hear Renee’s frantic voice telling Charlie to snap me out of it. All I remember was being lightly shaken as his hand waved back and forth in front of my face. I had no clue how long it must have taken Charlie to snap me back to reality.


I stared down at the little piece of paper that was my new class schedule. I had six classes, English Lit being my first hour.


“Do you want me to help you find it?” Charlie asked suddenly behind me.


I turned around. “No, that’s alright. This school doesn’t seem so big.” I managed to smile but it didn’t reach my eyes. “But thanks.”


“Alright. You have mine and Renee’s number in case you need it,” he said, looking down at me. I nodded. “And Renee will pick you up after school,” he added. I nodded again. “Oh and Bella?”




“Renee and I were thinking when you feel more…” he hesitated, searching for the appropriate words, “… comfortable, we want to get you your own car.”


My eyes lit up. “A car? Really?


I had never owned a car before. With all the blood donations, Daddy had grown ill. He wasn’t able to work all the hours he used to, making it difficult to save money for a car. And once my parents had died, the vampire government seized all their assets, leaving me with nothing...only my memories, some clothes and my music box. The same was true for grandma. The vampire government not only coveted our blood but they ripped everything else away from us too. We were just cattle to them.


Charlie nodded. “But when we feel the time is right, okay kiddo?”


When the time was right? What were they afraid of? That’s when realization dawned on me. They were afraid I would run…runaway or in this case, drive away. Running away didn’t seem like such a bad idea at this very moment. But where would I run to? Stop it, Bella! my inner voice screamed at me.




Charlie stepped up to me, gently squeezing my shoulder. “Have a good day, kiddo and I’ll see you later.”


I nodded as I watched him walk away, disappearing around the corner. I blew out a large breath of air as I went in search of my first class.




My palms were clammy, making it difficult to turn the doorknob. I quickly ran my palm down my jeans, wiping away the perspiration. I took one last glance at the sign ‘English Literature- Mr. Berty’ before turning the knob. The door creaked open, causing the teacher and the students to snap their heads in my direction. I gulped as I stepped inside, handing Mr. Berty my schedule to sign. I was surprised that he didn’t look a day over the age of 30. Is that when they stopped aging? I remember asking my mom one night why I’d never seen an old-looking vampire. She had told me that when vampires would reach their maturity, they would stop aging, living in their current physical sate for the rest of eternity.


“Ah yes, welcome Miss…” Mr. Berty hesitated, unsure of what to address me as, “…Isabella.”


“Bella,” I corrected, my voice barely above a whisper.


From the corner of my eye, I saw the crimson eyes of the students lock onto me…their blood-red orbs roaming over my body. I cautiously glanced back at them, studying their faces. Each vampire stared at me with a different expression. Some were of disgust, shock, boredom, amusement, anger, outrage and then some of just plain curiosity. If I would move slightly, their eyes shifted instantly, locking onto me again; they gauged my every movement, my every breath… watching me like a predator does its prey. My heart beat furiously within my chest that I was sure it would burst. Calm down, Bella, no one has attacked you, my inner voice soothed. Not yet, I argued back internally.


“Please take a seat.” Mr. Berty gestured to an empty seat.


I froze in my path as I noticed the huge vampire I would be sitting next to. WOW! He was massive. I began making my way to my seat next to The Hulk with fangs. I saw him grin at me, revealing the sharp tips of his fangs, his expression amused. Please don’t eat me! I sat down, letting my backpack slide off my shoulder.


“Oh and Bella?” Mr. Berty said, walking up to my desk as he handed me a sheet of paper. “This is a list of the literature that you will need to acquire. It’s mostly literature written by our kind but we will also be reading some human literature to compare and contrast,” Mr Berty informed, moving behind his desk again.


I nodded in comprehension. I leaned down to unzip my backpack, taking out my notebook and a pen to take notes. I noticed from the corner of my eye that the hulking vampire was still grinning at me. I let my hair fall forward, shielding me from the stares. The huge vampire snorted amused, causing me to suppress a shiver as I tried to listen to the lecture.


“What did Diego mean when he said that the blood was his sweetest poison?” Mr. Berty asked his class, awaiting an answer. When he didn’t get an answer right away, he sighed, “It’s on page 397.”


There was a collective ruffle of pages as the class searched for the answer. I shifted in my seat which caused my scent to stir in the air. There was a low feral growl that rumbled behind me. I jumped at the sound, my heart skipping a beat. I turned my head to the side as I heard the massive vampire shift in his seat to glare at the vampire who had just growled at me. The huge vampire bared his fangs at the other vampire and hissed. My eyes widened as his fangs lengthened. The vampire didn’t make another sound as the huge vampire turned to me and winked.


Winked? He just winked at me? Wait! Did he just defend me? See Bella, some are nice.


“Got it!” A strawberry blonde vampire said, raising her hand, breaking me from my internal dialogue.


The teacher looked relieved. “Yes, Miss Denali.”


I listened as the beautiful vampire explained her answer, earning praise from Mr. Berty. “That’s correct, Tanya. Very good!” he exclaimed proudly. “Alright class, since we are finished with today’s lesson, I’ll give you the rest of the class period to talk amongst yourselves.” He sat in his chair, grabbing a red pen to grade some papers. “Quietly,” he added, glancing up at the vampires who had begun to talk loudly.


I closed my notebook and placed it into my backpack, zipping it up. I was about to place my head on my desk and shut my eyes when a booming voice startled me.


“Well hey there, little human! Aren’t you going to say hi?” The big muscled vampire had turned completely in his seat, facing me directly.


My eyes snapped to his face. I stared at him, tongue-tied. Say hello back, Bella, the voice urged me.


“Ummm…hi,” I responded weakly as I continued to stare at him wide-eyed.


He laughed as he took in my expression. “Relax. I promise I don’t bite.” He grinned at me again, exposing the tips of his fangs from underneath his upper lip.


“I’m not so sure about that,” I said under my breath.


His grin widened. He suddenly leaned closer to me, causing me to flinch. My heart sped up as he sniffed me, his nostrils flaring. “Nah, I prefer A-positive. You’re O which is delish but not my first choice,” he joked, winking at me playfully. I gulped loudly. His expression turned serious. “I’m Emmett by the way.” He stuck out his hand for me to shake it.


I hesitated but he refused to give up. A few seconds later, I mustered up some courage and shook his hand. “Umm…I’m Bella.” It sounded more like a question. “But I’m sure you know that already,” I added with a smile. I actually smiled?


“Yep. This whole town has been talking about you over the past week,” he responded matter-of-factly.


A whole week? Talking about me? Why? I pushed the questions from my mind.


“So what’s your next class?” Emmett asked, peeking at the schedule that I held in my hand.


I glanced at my schedule. “Trig,” I groaned.


He laughed. “Don’t like math?”


“No, I hate it.” I grimaced, thinking about the horror that was waiting for me next hour.


“I wonder what Rosalie would think of you flirting with a human, Emmett?” the strawberry blonde sneered as she glared at me. I didn’t even hear her approach. “How can you waste your time talking to a walking bloodbag? That’s disgusting, Emmett. We eat them, not make friends with them!” she spat, flipping her hair to the side. I winced at her harsh tone.


Emmett’s eyes darkened as the tips of his fangs started to press into his lower lip. “I can talk to anyone I fucking want, Tanya. And she’s not some bloodbag, her name’s Bella.” Emmett glared, flashing his fangs at her. “Who the hell rattled your damn cage anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be wasting your time chasing after my brother who doesn’t give a fuck about you? Or did you grow a brain finally and decide to give up because you’ve realized you don’t have a fucking chance in hell with him?” Emmett hissed, venom dripping from his fangs. I cringed; he looked terrifying when he was angry.


“Whatever.” Tanya rolled her eyes, walking back to her seat.


“Bitch,” Emmett snarled under his breath as he continued to glare at her retreating back. He turned to face me, his fangs retracting slowly. “Sorry, she’s like that to most of us too. Just because we’re vampires doesn’t mean we’re immune from her bullshit,” he apologized.


I nodded. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the class change I’ve been dreading. I would be walking amongst vampires. I cringed internally.


Emmett and I stood. Holy shit! He was huge!


“It was nice meeting you, Bella. And I’m sure I’ll see you around later,” he said, grabbing his book and folder.


“Likewise…and thanks for sticking up for me,” I managed to say as I stared up at him.


“No problem. Later, Bella.” He flashed me a grin before stalking out of the classroom.   


I slung the backpack over my shoulder as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. You can do this, you can do this, you can do this, I chanted continuously in my mind. I opened my eyes and exhaled sharply as I stepped into the busy hallway. I jumped back suddenly as I was almost trampled by the huge vampires that were walking by. Some hissed at me when I got in their way. I decided to find my locker before next hour began. I followed the little map on my schedule. I could feel their crimson orbs pierce into me, watching me intently as I passed by them. Some would laugh, hiss or growl when I walked by, causing my heart to beat in my chest frantically. I tried to keep my eyes on my map for most of the time, occasionally glancing up to avoid being run-down or getting in the way.


“Did you order dessert?” a vampire laughed, nudging his friend’s shoulder to get his attention.


The vampires locked their crimson eyes on me. “Nope, but apparently blood banks deliver fresh blood now,” the other vampire answered with a hiss, flashing his fangs at me threateningly. I winced, picking up my pace.


’Bout time they deliver!” the first vampire growled. They both started to laugh, licking their lips as I passed them.






I found my locker as I stared up at it. It was higher than I’d liked but it was still reachable…well, it had to be reachable for my sake since it was the lowest one to the ground. I spun the numbers on the dial, trying to unlock the lock. As the lock clicked open, I grabbed the locker door handle. Nothing happened. The damn locker was stuck! I grasped the handle again, putting all my strength into it as I pulled. The locker door swung open fiercely, hitting a blond-haired vampire in the back. The vampire spun around rapidly, hissing as he bared his fangs.


Oh shit! “Omigosh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, the locker was stuck and I didn’t think it would hit you and I’m so sorry really, really sorry,” I spluttered frantically, my words running together.


The blond-haired vampire’s expression softened as he glanced down at me, his fangs retracting. “Hey, you’re that human!” A grin appeared on his face.


“Umm…yes,” I retorted confused. He wasn’t going to attack me?


“Bella, right?” he continued to grin at me goofily.




“Beautiful…” he said a bit too huskily.


“Yeah, that’s what it means,” I responded, slightly embarrassed as he continued to ogle me. A shiver ran down my spine.


“No, I mean you’re beautiful,” he said roughly. Did he just purr? He leaned closer to me with his arms crossed over his chest, his side propped up against the lockers as he gazed down at me with lust-filled eyes. “I didn’t know a human girl could be so pretty,” he purred. He really did purr! We weren’t even the same species, his kind dined on my kind for crying out loud!


“Thanks…I guess,” I replied awkwardly.


I closed my locker door as I glanced at my schedule, scanning the map for my next hour location. I still could feel his crimson eyes on me, roaming over my body.


I saw a hand flash in front of my face. “I’m Mike by the way, Mike Newton,” he said, moving to stand up straight, towering over me.


I placed my hand in his and briefly shook it. “Pleasure to meet you,” I replied.


“The pleasures all mine.” He winked at me.


Ohh-kaaay, time-to-go!


“I guess I’d better get going. Bye Mike.” I turned and started to walk in the direction of my next class.


“Wait! What’s your next hour?” He stepped in front of me, causing me to stop in my path.


I looked up at him. “Trig with Mr. Varner,” I retorted.


His grin grew. “Awesome! I have that class next too,” he said with a huge smile plastered on his face.


Great! Just friggin’ great! At least he’s being nice, Bella. He could have attacked you when you smacked him with your locker door, my inner voice chastised.  Yeah, but he’s creeping me out. Look at the way he’s eye-fucking me, I argued with myself. Mike’s voice snapped me out of my inner battle.


“Can I walk with you?” he asked, his expression hopeful.


I didn’t know what to say. He was overbearing but…I felt a little safer if he walked with me rather than walking by myself entirely. I nodded. “Okay.”


His crimson eyes lit up at my answer. We walked through the halls to our next class while he chatted animatedly about everything. I still heard some hisses, growls, laughs and rude comments as we passed by the rest of the student body, but they were minimal. It made me feel a little better. I felt like didn’t have to look over my shoulder every second, fear of a hostile vampire pouncing on me and sinking his fangs into my neck.


As I entered my second class period, I handed Mr. Varner my schedule so he could sign off on it. The vampires in my trig class also had mixed expressions on their faces like the ones in my first hour period. I tried my best to avoid their stares as I made my way to my seat. Mike frowned when Mr. Varner placed me on the opposite side of the classroom. From the corner of my eye, I caught Mike staring at me. I let my hair fall forward again, acting as a thick curtain to shield me from unwanted stares and glares.




After second period, Mike insisted to walk with me to my third class period despite his class being across the school. He seemed like he had something on his mind because he would open his mouth to speak but then close it abruptly. I would flinch when he ran his fingers down my arm as he purred.


“Bye, Bella,” Mike said as he placed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Oh and I want to ask you something…later,” he purred before walking away to his class.


 Did he want to ask me out? I hoped that he didn’t think that I was actually going to go out with him…a vampire- a pushy, overbearing vampire!


I was surprised that history class was going to be interesting, comparing and contrasting vampire history with human history. I was relieved to have met a nice blond-haired vampire by the name of Jasper.


“We’re on page 227, Darlin’,” Jasper whispered, leaning over to me.


“Thanks,” I whispered back, turning to the correct page.


“Anytime,” he winked.


Jasper seemed nice, a little hesitant at first because I had made him nervous. His eyes would darken and the tips of his fangs would press into his bottom lip as they lengthened. I leaned further away from him on instinct as I noticed some venom leak from the corners of his mouth. But then I quickly realized that it was my fault. I would shift in my seat or flip my hair, causing my scent to drift over to him. I instantly stopped when I realized it caused such a reaction from Jasper- he seemed like he was less in control when my scent assaulted his senses. And I still didn’t trust vampires. I was afraid that one little wrong move would set them off, sinking their fangs into my neck. I shivered at the last thought. Breathe Bella, you’re still okay. I inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply, causing some crimson eyes to shift to me including Jasper’s. I leaned forward again and let my hair fall, shielding my face from them as I listened to the lecture.


“Alright class, I want you to write a report about the Vampire Wars of the South,” Mr. Jefferson said, moving to the dry erase board. “And it’s due two weeks from today.” He scribbled the date on the far right corner with a blue dry erase marker, underlining it twice. There was a collective groan from the students and a few growls too. I jumped at the rough sounds of their growls. My heart sped up uncontrollably, almost skipping a beat in the process. Calm down, Bella, the voice soothed.


Vampire wars? Vampires had wars?


Just then, the bell rang. Jasper glanced down at my schedule that I held in my hand as he towered over me. I stared at my next class in confusion. What was L.O.T.V. 101?


“You’ll get to meet my girlfriend since she has the same class with you,” Jasper said, grabbing his history book and folder. “Come, I’ll walk with you.” He gestured for me to follow him.  “I’ll introduce you to her.”


“Thanks,” I smiled up at him, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. “Umm…what’s L.O.T.V. 101?” I asked, dumbfounded.


“It’s an acronym for Language of the Vampire, Darlin’.” Jasper smirked at me as we exited the classroom.


“Vampires have their own language too?” I asked intrigued, glancing up at him.


He nodded. “Yes, it’s an ancient language we don’t use too often anymore but it’s required for a vampire to know how to speak and understand it fluently. Should be quite a class for you,” Jasper laughed, revealing the tips of his fangs.


We stood by my fourth hour period door, waiting for Jasper’s girlfriend to arrive. “Alice,” Jasper purred roughly. I glanced in his direction, observing the shortest vampire I had ever seen. Sure she was still taller than me but only by a few inches. I continued to watch the pixie-like vampire approach us, her steps graceful and poised as if she were dancing. Her smile was radiant, the tiny tips of her fangs peeking out from underneath her lip.


“Bella this is my mate, Alice.” Jasper gestured to the little black-haired vampire, glancing down at her lovingly.


Alice stepped up to me. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Bella. I’ve heard so much about you from my brother, Emmett.” Her smile widened even more. 


They were related? Seriously? The Hulk and Tinkerbell were brother and sister?


“Hi,” was all that managed to escape my lips as I stood there in a state of awe.


“I’ve got to go, Sugar.” Jasper pinned Alice to the wall with his large body as his fangs lengthened. Alice giggled in response to him.


My eyes widened. What was he going to do? Why would a vampire bite another vampire? I tried to look away but I couldn’t. Instead I just gaped where I stood.


Alice gently leaned her head to the side, exposing her neck to him. He placed his hands on either side of her head as he leaned down, baring his fangs at her. I could see the clear light green venom drip from the tips of his fangs, causing a violent shiver to run down my spine. Jasper’s fangs penetrated Alice’s neck in one swift motion. She moaned while he purred. He quickly unlatched his lips from her neck, removing his fangs from her skin. They embraced briefly before he gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead and left.


I still stood there, gaping like an idiot. I was utterly confused. What.was.that?


Alice faced me and giggled as she took in my expression. “Bella, it’s alright. He just marked me,” she said, placing her small hand on my shoulder soothingly. I didn’t even flinch when Alice touched me, I felt unbelievably…comfortable around her. I continued to stand there speechless. “When two vampires are completely devoted to another, the male marks the female by releasing his venom into her. It gives off a unique scent that warns other males that the female is taken. And it doesn’t hurt,” she explained further.


“Oh…well, I guess…”I cleared my throat. “…I guess that makes sense,” I responded awkwardly as we walked into the classroom. She smiled at me before she took her assigned seat.


L.O.T.V. was a difficult class. The Language of the Vampire was tough language to master. I didn’t think I would ever learn it in this lifetime. But learning the language was the least of my concern. There was a much bigger problem I faced, thanks to Mr. Mason’s assigned seating. I was terrified when my assigned seat was in front of Tanya Denali and behind a vicious redhead. They both sneered at me when I slid into my seat, sandwiched in between them. Occasionally, the redhead named Victoria, would turn around and flash her fangs at me menacingly. I winced each and every time, emitting a scent of fear into the surrounding air, causing Tanya to laugh at my expense. Please let me survive, I pleaded.


I was more than thankful when the bell rang. With a shaky hand, I stuffed my books and pen into my backpack. I stood too rapidly almost causing me to lose my balance in the process. In a split second, I felt myself hit the wall, landing on the ground with an audible thud, spilling the contents of my backpack onto the floor.


I glanced up at a livid Tanya who was flashing me her extended fangs. “That’s what you get for getting in my way, bloodbag,” she sneered. I cringed at her harsh tone.  “Better watch yourself if I were you,” she hissed as she threatened me, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “And stay out of my way!” she spat, a snarl getting caught in her throat. She swayed her hips proudly as she walked away, disappearing around the door.


Alice was there suddenly, helping me up as she placed my stuff back into my backpack. “I’m sorry. She’s such a bitch! I wish I could tear her throat out for doing that to you,” the enraged pixie snarled, her fangs lengthening.


“S’okay,” I responded weakly, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.




I made my way to the cafeteria. Alice said that she was going to meet me shortly. I feared lunch more than anything else I had all day. I wasn’t sure if I could watch these vampires consume human blood right before my eyes. It was nerve-racking and terrifying. Calm down, Bella! Just pretend it’s tomato juice. I snorted at my thought as my heart rate accelerated. I walked into the lunch room cautiously as crimson eyes locked onto me; predators watching their prey. I gulped loudly as I noticed some vampires stand in the ‘lunch line’ to buy blood.


B-positive,” a blond vampire said as the lunch lady handed him a bottle of the requested blood.


AB negative,” another vampire said. “But I need it heated, please.”


I quickly swallowed down the bile. I walked speedily by the lunch line, causing some to snarl and growl as I went by. I flinched from the feral sounds as I made my way to the back of the cafeteria, heading towards the vacant table. I slid into my seat and put my head down on my folded arms, unable to look at the hungry vampires. I could hear the purrs, licks and growls as they consumed their meals. I winced again, feeling nauseated already. I glanced up briefly, noticing a vampire lick his girlfriend’s mouth, cleaning off the blood that had smeared it. My eyes shifted, locking onto another vampire who was sucking and licking at a frozen blood popsicle or Bloodsicle. The blood dripped from the corners of his mouth onto the tabletop as he purred in satisfaction. I wrapped my arms around my waist, holding myself together as I swallowed down more bile. Tomato juice, tomato juice, tomato juice, I chanted repeatedly in my mind as I shut my eyes.


My eyes snapped open at the deafening guttural growls that erupted between two vampires.


“You fucking stole my bottle of A-positive, you sonofabitch!” the dark-haired vampire growled at the other vampire.


“No, I fucking didn’t!” the other retorted, his fangs lengthening as his eyes turned pitch black.


The dark-haired vampire snarled in response. “Yes you did!” he accused, circling the light-haired vampire as he bared his venom-secreting fangs.


I glanced around nervously at the other vampires in the lunch room who were minding their own business as they talked amongst themselves. They acted as if nothing was wrong…as if this behavior was…normal?


There was a crashing sound as the two vampires engaged in a fight, knocking over a table in the process, their fangs extremely long as they punched from their gums. Their venom began dripping onto the ground as they tried to take snaps out of one another. I shot up from my seat, backing myself against the wall as I watched the violent brawl.


The dark-haired vampire bared his fangs again and bit into the other vampire, who in response, roared in agony. The dark-haired vampire spit out a chunk of flesh onto the floor. The injured vampire’s wound oozed a clear light green liquid from the gaping hole on his shoulder.  I heaved, nauseated. I had to get out of here and now!


Just then, two massive vampires dressed in all black combat gear with white lettering that said ‘Guard’ on their backs approached the fighting vampires, pulling them apart. They continued to struggle in the restraining arms of the Guard, hissing and growling at one another.


My head was spinning from everything I had seen while my stomach did somersaults. I promptly unzipped my backpack and pulled out my schedule. My eyes roamed feverishly over the map, trying to locate the school’s library. A few seconds later I located it. I zipped up my backpack with shaky hands before I slung it over my shoulder. My eyes scanned the lunch room for the nearest exit. I made my way hastily to the door, hoping to leave this cafeteria of hell before something else went wrong.


Before I could reach the exit, I felt fingers curl around my wrist forcefully, snatching me back. I spun around, facing the vampire who had ceased my escape. His blond hair was tied back with a leather band as his crimson eyes roamed over my body. He towered over me, his grin growing menacing as his lips curled back from his fangs and growled down at me. I flinched. Breathe, Bella…Breathe…


“And where do you think you’re going, pretty toy?” He leaned down as he purred, inhaling my scent.


“Please let go of me,” I whimpered, my eyes filling with frightened tears.


He leaned down, bringing my wrist up to his face, his tongue tracing my vein. “I’m afraid that I can’t do that. I’ve just begun to play with you, pretty toy.” He gazed at me, his eyes turning black as his fangs lengthened, pressing into his bottom lip.


I whimpered again as I tried to snatch my wrist back from his death-grip.


His smile turned wicked as he winked at me. He scraped his fang against my wrist. I suddenly felt the painful sting of the sharp point penetrating my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep my tears in as I felt my blood pool to the surface, praying for a quick and painless death.











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